Coming out of Lockdown on 19th July 2021
With the hopes of the lockdown being fully lifted on the 19th of July, what do you have planned?
Will you be going on staycations, abroad, festivals or are you heading back to the office? The list is endless but yet also exciting.

Even though we may be getting excited to go out and about in the world there is something that you should think about that may have slipped your mind and that is the security of your home. Your home will slowly become less occupied and maybe this is the perfect time to get ready for the full lockdown lift. Since March 2020 most of us have had our homes occupied every day for over a year due to lockdown. According to the Office of National Statistics during the lockdown, robberies and theft dropped by a whopping 50%.
This is likely to increase as the majority of people working from home will be going back to the office and their homes will become less occupied.

- Home Safes – Home safes are perfect for securing your most valuable items and your cash. Not only will your items be in a safe place they will be secure. For the best security of a safe is to have the safe installed. Here at Total Safes, we have a fleet of installation crew ready to install your perfect safe in your home.
- Smart Doorbells – Always answer your door when you are not at home. This is perfect if you are going to be out more than usual once the lockdown has lifted, not only will you be able to answer the door whilst you are not at home but you can also use these smart doorbells as a security camera.
- Smart Home Alarms - With a smart home alarm get instant notifications to your device whether it will be to arm, disarm or if the alarm has been triggered. A home alarm will reduce the amount of time the intruder can spend in your home without being caught.
- Spotlights - A light outside your home is another deterrent. Anybody trespassing on your property makes them feel like they are on centre stage with a smart camera spotlight
If you would like more advice on how to secure your home please feel free to get in touch with us and we will be happy to help protect your home. You can call us on 0161 819 6888 or you can email us at support@totalsafes.co.uk.