How to Keep Your Valuables Safe at Home
The latest figures on burglary indicate that in 2021 there have been 267,000 burglaries reported across the country. The numbers have slowly been falling since 2002, even though this is still a significant number. While we all like to think that our homes are the safest places, we need to face the reality that more needs to be done to deter potential thieves and protect your valuables if someone enters your home without authorization.
Precautionary Measures
To deter opportunistic thieves, ensure your windows and doors are locked when you are not at home or in those rooms. During the warmer months, it is tempting to open all of the windows in your home to let in a breeze and then head outside to enjoy the weather, but this allows passing thieves to break into your home undetected. It is also advisable to keep your valuables away from open windows (even if you are present in the room). Suppose he sees valuables close to the window. In that case, the thief may see the opportunity to complete a "grab and run" style burglary.
Even with the window closed, leaving a valuable item within view of a window can attract the attention of someone who will then plan a targeted attack on your home, knowing how much you value the things inside.
Alarms and CCTV
According to Which, "you are less likely to become a victim of burglary if you have a well fitted and maintained burglar alarm system". When your alarm system is clearly visible, you will automatically deter burglars targeting homes in your neighbourhood as they will prefer to try their luck in a less obvious home. As soon as a burglar attempts to enter your home, the alarm will activate. Depending on the type of alarm system you have, the loud sound will either scare the burglar away or alert passers-by.
In addition to deterring burglars, CCTV is also a valuable resource if your home is broken into. Ensure you install cameras at your home's entrance and at many points around the perimeter that you deem vulnerable to theft.
Protecting Valuables inside Your Home.
Although CCTV and alarm systems are proven to deter burglars, if someone is determined to enter your home or simply ignores the security measures, your valuables inside must be adequately secured. When the worst happens, certain valuables can be replaced, such as electrical gadgets (TVs, etc.). Still, other items such as family heirlooms, one-off jewellery pieces, passports, photos, and important documents are much harder to replace. These items are best secured in a home safe to prevent intruders from gaining access.
Before purchasing a safe for your valuables, it's good to speak with your insurance company, as they will recommend a specific grading that will ensure you are covered for the items you wish to store.
It is also good to ensure that your safe is bolted to the floor or wall to prevent a burglar from removing it from the property. (With unlimited time, they can work on trying to open the safe for as long as they want.)
When an intruder triggers your alarm system, they will want to get in and out as soon as possible, which means they will grab things in common places. These include sock drawers, on top of the wardrobe, under the bed, under the sink, and under the bedside table. Therefore, we recommend keeping your valuables out of sight and in an impenetrable location.
Total Safes - Secure Safes for Your Home
Total Safes offer a wide range of safes suitable for domestic use, approved by insurers. We also have our own DBS checked installation teams to professionally install safes nationwide. For more information about the home safes we offer, please take a look at our website or call 0161 819 6888